Monday, March 21, 2011

Dean Corll

Born  December 24, 1939 in Fort Wayne, Indiana two his parents whom had a stable relationship but soon fell apart. Dean was only six years old when his parents got a divorce.  Most children show signs of of there parents troubles but Dean was not one of them.  He maintained good grades and was said to be very polite and well behaved. Dean and one of his brothers moved with his mother to Houston, Texas.  His father soon moved to texas and remarried Deans mother.  Once again it did not last. Corll completed his high-school years and started to help his mother with her candy business.  He also became a electrician working for Houston Lighting and Power.  The candy store was located across from a school, so kids would come over after school hours.  Corll would often give them free candy generating the nick name "The Candy Man".

Corll seemed to live a normal life maintain a full time salary while helping his mother. There was only one suspicious aspect of him,  the people he claimed as friends.  The two individuals he hung-out with most were David Brooks and Wayne Henley.  They were both products of disrupted families and both enjoyed drugs and alcohol.  Not only was that a problem they were only teenagers.  At this time Dean was in his thirties. The Corll and the boys were seen together several times creating minor suspicion. No one would suspect who Corll really was.

Accused of torturing, raping and killing 27 boys between 9-21 would never see any jail time.  One night a female friend of Henley needed out of her own home because her father was an angry, abusive drunk.  Henley went off and picked her up and retuned to Corll's house.  They all began to take apart in both drug and alcohol abuse.  Corll's had talked with Henley how he could not believe he brought a girl to his home.  Henley thought he had calmed him down but he did not Corll rage was still there.  The boys and the girl with them passed out from drinking.  Henley was awaken by his hands getting handcuffed to the torture bed in Corll's room; his friends were tied up on the floor with there mouths taped shut.  Henley pleaded with Corll saying that if Corll let him go then he would rape the female and Corll could rape the other male.    Corll agreed forcing Henley to cut the girls clothing off.  Corll's victim fought vigorously enraging him to the point where he left for a brief moment.  Henley found Corll's gun and shot him six times.

Henley then told the police of all the murders Corll committed.  Henley pleaded guilty for 6 terms of 99 years.  Although we won't be able to fully comprehend the motive behind Corll we can see the side effects of a broken child hood.  They may of been able to hide it for there early years but then the signs of human not nurtured as a child comes through as they grow.        

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