Monday, February 14, 2011

John Wayne Gracy

John Wayne Gacy was born on ST. Patricks day in 1942.  Gacy grew up in a middle class neighborhood participating in Cubscouts and organized groups.  Starting at an early age Gacy held a job to earn some personal money.  Gacy had two other siblings one sister older and one sister younger whom in which he was very close to both.  The one person of his family who John Wayne Gacy Jr. was not very close to but had always wished he was was his father John wayne Gacy Sr.  Gacy sr. was an alcoholic who abused his wife and verbally assaulted his children. As a young boy Gacy Jr had a number of medical problems causing him to have to be in and out of the hospital later giving him something to blame his troubles on.  Gacy went from being heavily involved in his community and viewed as a generous man, to one of the most gruesome serial killers.

The first accusation of Gacys sexual preference game by rumors from co-works and other members of his club Jaycees.  Very few people thought much of the rumors and in-fact many even denied them all completely.  However these accusations soon became confirmed in a manor higher then anyone could of even imagined.   Gacy was first convicted of sodomy with a teenage boy who he worked with, Gacy received the max sentence for this crime of ten years.  Gacy tried to revert back to a better life by returning home but this only lead to more and more problems.  Gacy Started to lure young men between 17 to 20 into his vehicle where he would use chloroform to make them unconscious.  He would return to his home where he would violently rape them, murder them and then dispose of the body via burying or dropping them into a river near by.  Gacy committed 33 murders before he was finally arrested.

I believe in this case John Wayne Gacy, what made him commit heinous crime was his childhood past.  The fact he had loved his father so much and wanted his father to love him back but never did. Gacy would always look back and question why his father didn't love him back.  Nurture is one of the most predictable ways to determine how a person will turn out.  I believe if his father had showed him love back he would not be the way he was.  Gacy probably had the urges to rape young males to help cope with his issues and a young boy himself.

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